Processing and Cognitive Enhancement (PACE)

Pace Session

Learning starts with the development of strong processing and cognitive skills. The level of these skills varies from one individual to another having a significant impact on each person’s ability to learn.

Weak progressing and cognitive skills may be the result of a brain injury, a learning disability or the normal aging process.  If learning problems cannot quickly be resolved with a little extra help then usually there are deficiencies in the underlying learning skills required to make learning easy, efficient, and fast. Brain training can help and PACE (Processing and Cognitive Enhancement) training is a specific type of brain training that has demonstrated significant results. 

If your child or student is having difficulty learning in one of the following ways,

  • paying attention
  • learning to read or spell (struggles to sound out words)
  • slow with math facts
  • does not complete assignments
  • memory
  • comprehending or understanding
  • working too hard for what is achieved  

PACE training may be able to help.



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