Professional Services Master

We participate in a variety of initiatives to support the growth and development of students, teachers and faculty within elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions.


TDSB Special Education Presentation– Montgomery, D. (2022, Sept. 6). Integration of Technology with UDL in Inclusive Classrooms. Toronto District School Board Special Education Department. online.

OTESSA Conference Presentation 2022- Montgomery, D. (2022, May 17). The Integration of Technology with UDL and RTI in Inclusive Classrooms. Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association. (Conference Presentation). Canadian Study for the Society of Education conference. Online.

CSSE Conference Presentation 2022- Montgomery, D. (2022, May 19). The Voices of Students in Ontario on Virtual Learning in a pandemic. Canadian Study for the Society of Education conference. Online.

OTESSA Conference Proceeding 2022: Montgomery, D. (2022). The Integration of Technology with UDL and RTI in Inclusive Classrooms. Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association: Vol. 2. Critical Change. ( Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association. In press.


UPEI Faculty of Education- Tenure track hiring committee

UPEI- Co-editor of the Graduate Student Association newsletter

Toronto District School Board – Vice Chair of Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

UPEI- Graduate Student Associaton representative for the Master’s Online Education program

UPEI Faculty of Education Council – Sessional Instructor representative